Alice with the taste of melted milk

Trademark: «Schedrye Pruzhany»
Mass fraction of fat in dry matter, %: 50
Weight, kg: 8-9
Quantity in a package, pieces: 2
Shelf life, days: 230
Storage temperature, °C: from 0° to +4°
OJSC «Pruzhany Dairy Plant» is one of the high-tech enterprises in the dairy industry for the production of rennet cheeses, dry products, and butter. The enterprise is located in an ecologically clean zone of the Pruzhany region, just 45 km from the famous Belovezhskaya Pushcha nature reserve.
The enterprise's production cycle is ensured by the operation of three major workshops: a cheese-making workshop, a powdered product workshop and a butter production area, which are interconnected by a single technological process.
Raimasloprom formation
1939Raimasloprom was abolished, the plant became an independent unit
1951The construction of a new plant has begun (a production building has been built)
1954General reconstruction of the plant, built a cheese-making shop with a capacity of 10 tons of milk per shift
1965Completed construction of a site for the production of skimmed milk powder
1986The enterprise was reorganized into Pruzhany Dairy Plant OJSC
1998Completed construction of a whole milk production workshop
2003Modernization of the production of semi-hard rennet cheeses
2009A line for technological preparation of natural milk whey was put into operation before further feeding to spray drying
2011Modernization of the oil production site
2013A complex of treatment facilities was put into operation
2017Reconstruction of the dry milk products workshop
2018Modernization of sections of the cheese-making department
2019Construction and commissioning of the skimmed milk powder shop building. Technical modernization of the chambers of the cheese-making shop
2020Образование Раймаслопрома
1939Раймаслопром упразднили, завод стал самостоятельной единицей
1951Начато строительство нового завода (построен производственный корпус)
1954Общая реконструкция завода, построен сыродельный цех мощностью 10 т молока в смену
1965Завершилось строительство участка по производству сухого обезжиренного молока
1986Предприятие преобразовано в ОАО «Пружанский молочный комбинат»
1998Завершено строительство цеха цельномолочной продукции
2003Модернизация производства полутвердых сычужных сыров
2009Введена в эксплуатацию линия по технологической подготовке натуральной молочной сыворотки перед последующей подачей на распылительную сушку
2011Модернизация участка производства масла
2013Введен в эксплуатацию комплекс очистных сооружений
2017Реконструкция цеха по выпуску сухих молочных продуктов
2018Модернизация участков сыродельного цеха
2019Строительство и ввод в эксплуатацию здания цеха сухого обезжиренного молока. Техническая модернизация камер сыродельного цеха